2h Visit
December - April
Come and take part in reindeer herders everyday life at our winter place. We offer you a guided tour with our family´s
youngest reindeer herder Marielle. Here you get to see the reindeer herd up close.
This visit includes the warming coffee break in the lávvu (traditional sámi tent) around the open fire. Listen and learn about the sámi culture while taking "a reindeer herders coffee-break" in the centre of the reindeer herds winters place.
The visit includes:
● Private guided tour
● Warming coffee break in the traditional sámi tent
● Reindeer feeding
● A chance to learn the Sámi national sport (lasso throwing)
● Time to take pictures with the reindeer herd
Duration: Up to 2h
Guests: Min 2 - max 8 guests
Adult (13+ years): SEK 900 or 90 €
Child (3-12 years): SEK 500 or 50 €
(Prices are only valid pre-booked.)